Create. Share. Get noticed. That's what Ourmedia is about. Ourmedia is a global community and learning center where you can gain visibility for your works of personal media. We'll host your media forever — for free. Video blogs, photo albums, home movies, podcasting, digital art, documentary journalism, home-brew political ads, music videos, audio interviews, digital storytelling, children's tales, Flash animations, student films, mash-ups — all kinds of digital works have begun to flourish as the Internet rises up alongside big media as a place where we’ll gather to inform, entertain and astound each other. Ourmedia is several things in one. We are: An open-source project built and staffed by volunteers A destination Web site that freely hosts grassroots video, audio, music, photos, text and public domain works A community space to share and discuss personal media A learning toolkit to help our members create rich and compelling works An archive so that these works can be...