De-clutter your blog, AddThis!
I read a blogger about de-cluttering her blogsite . I felt guilty that my blog is becoming a mess. Well it is fun at times to join the cyber-bandwagon of blogging. You visit one blog, see something cool, maybe interesting, then figure it out and the next thing the widget is on your blog. Good thing I don’t need anymore to have all those badges, buttons, and widgets appear on the side bar of my blog. Instead I created a special section at the bottom or footer of my blog for a Widget Section, exclusive for widgets. I can’t get rid of them, having spent hours setting them up, then it took me an eternity deciding whether to remove them in just a click, no, not this time. One reason for this is finding about AddThis . According to the site the widget is now being used by, TechCrunch, ABC, Lonely Planet, Freewebs, Tower Records, etc. The small button could be embedded at the comment section of a blog entry so it is easier for readers to bookmark and share it. As of writing there are...