First Blog for 2005

Wow ! my first blog for 2005. I have several blogs already, even in Ilocano, I wonder how to blog so often. I have several articles to blog but don't find time to stay blogging, since I need to do the browsing and emailing. Maximize time !

Well I have not written my annual journal. The box is packed that contains my reference materials. So I hope to do it when I get back to Manila. Yes still stuck here in Saudi Arabia, but I am hopeful that this month of February I can go back and paly with my 'kins.

2004 was beneficial year for me, a mix of everything - a real life for me. And I have to learn all those lessons but gosh my memory seems so short to forget so often the lessons hahaha - well maybe I have attention deficit problem - I hope not Alzheimmers but I have to get a good neurologist to test me. Urologist even since am getting old, hehehe.

So many things happened of course in 2004 and I look forward for the nicest and best things to happen again in 2005.


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