Balikbayan Box

Dyaaraannn … the transformation of a box !
Here I go again!
I worry what to put,
I worry how to put things…
Finally ready to go!

I’ve done this for the second time, first time in Saudi, now here in Korea. I was then so anxious how many kilos I will incur with the 2 cargo boxes more known to Filipinos as balikbayan box. Although, I consider my box more of a trash box, well the contents were largely scraps, news clippings (US invasion of Iraq, terrororism, bombing, etc.) some memento of the place, my journals, purchased books and a few of pasalubong (give away gifts, especially dates). I am not sure what had happened to my books and scraps I just hope not eaten by rats!
Coming to Korea I was charged US $70 for overweight baggage, last Sunday I spent US $120 for my sea cargo box from KB. The same old stuff, books, clothes and a few knick knacks, largely magazines and tourist brochures gathered from the different places I visited here in Korea. Thus making the box so heavy.

I really wonder why I have such predilections of not being able to part with things I may not use after all. Well a Pinoy trait, I never learned how to travel light. Even just for an overnight I carry with me a knapsack whose content is good for two days.
I told the cargo agent to give me just a small box but I was told only few order such box and what is available are the jumbo boxes. Indeed, when I set it up I have to ponder how to fill it up. I gathered all magazines put them in the box, now very heavy yet but not yet full. So I went for grocery and bought some pasalubong (gifts), since the seaweeds are bulky the box could not contain them all. A new problem cropped up what to do with the rest. So now I have to bring with me an extra box. Originally I planned to travel just with my suit case but now it is not possible. Good thing the seaweed packs are very light no worry for overweight though.

The box finally picked-up but I wonder what will be its fate. I just hope it will reach its final destination two weeks after. Until now my back is painful carrying it down with the cargo guy. We dragged it down the remaining steps since I can’t help carry it further down stooping.

So I am making an ad here for the KB – Kabayan Sea and Air Cargo Express. Contact Ronald (Seoul, main branch) his mobile number is 016-240-8105. The Gwangju City Rep is Annielyn (a Filipina married to a Korean, with a daughter and son. I came to know her thru Annalyn, president of the Assoc. of Filipina Women in Korea) her contact details: Tel (062) 362-5887 and Mobile phone – 011-619-5887 or 010-866-9050. The addy of the Seoul Branch is at the bottom of the box.
A Must Read About Balikbayan Box:
1) Out of the (Balikbayan) Box by Luz Rimban
2)Tales of missing 'balikbayan' boxes
3) I read somewhere a nice piece about this balikbayan box but could not find it, anyway a lot more to read on the net just search it on google.
This is how it looks like after packing several kilos of stuff, stuffing a jumbo box uhummmmm... sleepy... self-portrait, they call here in Korea, self-camera.

Maligayang Huwebes.
btw, kb is good ba? i wanna try super gem, how about?
Take care and enjoy life..