Love Vandals

Love: Saranghe 사렁히

Went out for walk with my camera and came up to the Pagoda on top of a hill. I have seen those graffitis before but this time I took special notice with the heart markings in them. Well in a few days it will be Valentine's day. I took fotos for me to blog and my hands got red and painful from the cold. My title in mind is love vandals and checking out the internet there is a band group with the same name.

Lovers used to etch their names and heart in trees but these days it is easier to scrawl them on smooth and clean surfaces like walls with a pentel pen, or if the kid has enough money he can even spray paint on a rough surface.

I can't read and understand much Korean but definitely the message must be the same as those I've seen in other places that screams of mushiness, doodles of infatuations, protests of unrequited love, scribble on crushes, etc.

So here how it looks like for the love vandals of Gwangju, Korea:

Click here to add the love vandals


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