WARNING! Organ traffickers new modus operandi - Abducting and killing Filipino kids

(image source - http://www.wesleyjsmith.com/blog/uploaded_images/organ-t-703406.jpg)

I am not an alarmist. And I don't definitely want my blog appear like a tabloid. I write this entry to raise my concern on the welfare and future of Filipino children with this current criminal acts of organ traffickers.

As I was browsing the internet I came across a blog entry about the sitaution in the Philippines where children are being abducted. And the worst thing is that they are being killed and their organs are taken to be sold to the international market.

These criminals are without heart and soul to do their kind of trade. This is the vilest of all crimes - abducting children, murdering them and selling their organs. Who are those people involved aside from the kidnappers; people on the medical field - doctors maybe, nurses even; their financier and traders.

These criminals who prey on innocent children for their economic gain are the new ASWANG (ghoul), unlike Faust who sold his soul to the devil, these people are devoid of soul.

This must be stopped!

Alert your family members and relatives about his modus operandi of kidnapping and organ trafficking.

Talk to your children properly about this - do not cause them fear and panic but make them aware of this issue so that they can be forewarned and be more obedient to your instructions.

Report to the police and authorities if you observe/see uncommon activities related to this crime.

Link to blogs about these abduction incidents:


(this link has an enclosed police report of missing children in Batangas)

(blog where I first got the information)


Elmer said…
i'm one with you on this fight bro! :D

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