A busy Saturday at the new KONA Book Center

New KONA Book Center

Story Maps made by students

Culture Talk by Brian Thomas on his Project 57 for Grenada. He is soliciting help to provide 57 computers for 57 public elementary schools in Grenada. A benevolent British company learned about his project so he will be receiving a thousand computer instead.

the young audience were asked what they learned from the presentation so they made a recap and got a Canadian pin as a prize.

Professor Kim teaching basic Korean

Volunteer-trainer-student-teachers telling stories in Korean.

Mercy receives her certificate for completion of her training.

Brian receives his certificate of appreciation for his talk and some donation also from the center.

and there was this sweet young girl who claims her parents are Nepali but she is Korean. The parents decided to bring back her back to her roots since she is beginning to forget to speak Nepali.


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