COMSOFIL and Project Help Twitch

I started blogging in 2004 when I was an OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) in Saudi Arabia. A mixed of boredom, anxiety and anger made me blog. Aside from writing journal I learned to blog and mostly pictures in the beginning. I was supposed to go back home after my 2 year contract expired but we were forced to stay and finish the project for another 5 months. I was so nostalgic of home, family and friends. Yet I and my co-workers got extended and exploited by the company with a 4-5 months delayed release of salary. Indeed it was harsher than a Saharan winter and the onslaught of sandstorm ushering in an oven hot temperature of summer.

My saving grace was COMSOFIL (Computer Society of Filipinos – International) for the opportunity to do volunteer work. COMSOFIL offers computer classes to OFWs in Riyadh (it has now branched out to other Cities of KSA ). I had a chance to help conduct a class, take minutes of the board meeting, served as a speech writer of two of its president. We had parties and organizational programs at estrahas (rented out desert resort places), since it is not allowed for men and women to mix in public or have gatherings. I also had an opportunity to experience Toastmaster through TOC (Toast of COMSOFIL) and finished the basic communication and leadership program.

The spirit of voluntarism is the most admirable nature of COMSOFIL. The instructors are themselves IT practitioners who offers their services to their compatriots on voluntary basis every Friday.. During my last year of stay in 2005 at least there were 500 enrollees to its various courses. IT Olympics were also held to culminate each semester.

Leadership skills are honed among its officers and their commitment to help others is commendable. This initiative of COMSOFIL is admired gaining recognition from the OFW community and also the embassy. Their effort as model is now being replicated.
I am happy to be of help and maintain my connections in the Middle East, through my sadiqs or friends. One them is kenji whom I came across online. He recently conducted the Pinoy OFW/Expat Blog Award and I helped him come up with the judging criteria. He is again asking friends to repost and promote Project Twitch to help a kababayan in distress. Indeed an OFW has only him/herself to rely on. It would be great if fellow OFWs lend a kind helping hand. In this case it is kenji who initiated an effort to help a fellow OFW through his blog.

Well it is a consolation if the Philippine Consulate or Embassy can extend assistance. But most often than not, never would an OFW rely support from an agency that is supposed to protect and promote the welfare of its people abroad much more its migrant workers who serve as pillars of its economy.
To read more about Project Twitch please follow these links:


Ken said…
Pete, Thank you for the repost. The seed you plant in the Comsofil in Riyadh bears fruit and more seed to be scattered across the Middle East.

Thank you also for such a willing mind and heart to help me out in the Pinoy Blog Awards project for OFW.

I greatly esteemed you my friend!
Unknown said…
Thanks for your heartwarming post...may the spirit of volunteerism spread out not just in the Middle East but through out the world. To COMSOFILIANS and TOCians... Mabuhay!
Jun Muga said…
Pete, hope you still remember me. Keep continue your vision and your dream wherever your fate is. We wish you all the best.Keep blogging! Also, i would like to invite you to be a contributor of our site if you are free... visit us
Jun Muga said…
Pete, hope you still remember me. Keep continue your vision and your dream wherever your fate is. We wish you all the best.Keep blogging! Also, i would like to invite you to be a contributor of our site if you are free... visit us

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