Barako, indie film by Manolito Sulit

I got a comment for my blog entry on Balikbayan box:

Manolito Sulit said...

You'll realize more about life in the Philippines in over a hundred years since the Philippine-American war when you watch the historical independent movie, "Barako", showing in Galleria's IndieSine (Cinema 8), from July 9-15. Here's the trailer link:

God bless!

Manolito C. Sulit
writer, director & producer
Mei Magsino

The title of the film is replete with meanings and searching the net I believe the article of Mei Magsino will best expound on its meaning:

The Barako Bared

SAY the word barako and immediately three meanings come to mind: the strong-flavored and robust brew of the liberica coffee; the sex-driven adult male boar ready for breeding; and that certain brand of Batangueño, the rough and tough Filipino male from the province of Batangas. All three possess virility, strength, fearlessness — yes, even the coffee, whose flavor practically leaps up from the cup and straight onto one's tongue. All three carry within the pride of the Batangueños, who claim these qualities exclusively as their own.

So it seems it is the season again for indie films in the Philippines. I do admire and adore the the creative spirit of these filmmakers. Their films mostly made with measly budget, pro-bono actors and thanks to digital technology, these filmmakers are the ones making Philippine cinema to thrive and restore its former glory. It should be noted that most of the Philippine films that gets awarded, nominated and noticed at international film festivals are independently produced.

Today, except for Hollywood films and few commercial Philippine movies, the movie industry is dying. Good thing that digital technology is available for new generations of film makers to express themselves. Sign of the times, with films available for download and rental online, movie moguls have to rethink their film business strategies. They ought to support and give more assistance to independent filmmakers. Why not they co-venture producing the films of independent film makers? Sooner or later they will realize the power that is wielded by the people and ICT advancements against their business.

Barako is also coffee and one of the cafe shops my friend Jane introduced me, she calls an alternative to those multinational cafe shops we patronize is Figaro ( Well a bit on a high end their shops are cozy, I also like their piped-in bossa nova music, I think it is their own produced album/collection.

Checking on Barako I came across these various links:

Okey not to forget I am plugging it here, please patronize indie films and check out the movie BARAKO by Manolito Sulit. Below are links of review and the official movie website.


Anonymous said…
Maraming salamat, Pete!

Btw, we've had an update on the movie trailer. Here's the new link:
Hi Pete! Chanced upon this post again, so I decided to update you on Barako. You can watch the full movie here:

You can find me at and


Manolito C. Sulit

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