Ilokano: Forvo's Language of the Day

I am so glad to see that Forvo featured Ilokano as word for the day. Discovering it on the internet through downloadsquad, with my intention of learning Korean I found this new service. But instead of learning, I am contributing Ilocano words and pronouncing most of them. With my contributed word am now at the top 20 and top 30 with the pronounced words. Well I hope people could make use of it should they be interested to learn Ilocano, a mixture of different languages with influence of Spanish (but unlike Chavacano which is 80% (?) of Spanish), very closely related with Bahasa Indonesia or Malaysia, etc.
People at Forvo are very accommodating. I suggested to include Ilokano and the next day they sent me an email informing that it was already included. Tagalog another language of the Philippines was there only with one word contributed, so I contributed more words.
I found out also that my joining Forvo was also in line with UNESCO's celebration for the International Year of Languages. Just came across it on the net as well. It is UNESCO's theme for this year (2008). I have some ties with UNESCO here in Korea since I am a volunteer of their Cross Cultural Awareness Program where I give presentation about my country to grade/middle schoolers. Once we also participated APCEU's workshop that I blog about in 2005.
My father was Ilocano, and although I cannot speak the language, I can understand most of it. =)