Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation in the Philippines: Are we ready for an earthquake?

I have been wanting to write about this things and now I have more reason to warn about a prediction that I have received in my mailbox.

Of particular interest to me is the prediction of earthquake that will strike the Philippines by Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega DaRoose is Brazilian, born in 1960 (whether quack/fake or what not Pinoy should be ready and be prepared just the same) :

> July 18, 2008 - Philippines will get 8.1 earthquake,
> thousands of people
> will die.

{Other bloggers have picked up this news, I know this blogger since we both belong to the entrecard community.

There's a photo and link of this site regarding  earthquake clouds:

Here's a link that counter the predictions and authority of the psychic

Addtional link/discussion:

That is very soon, this month. Another friend of mine (a low profile seer) have been telling me that he feels there's a looming big earthquake to strike the Philippines but does not know when. Well there are clairvoyant and others gifted with psychic abilities around us so it good take heed to them but with all sensibilities and calmness. Whatever they say should be thought and considered rationally and it should not cause panic and unnecessary anxiety and trouble.

So I write this blog entry not to cause panic but to warn and make people prepared, especially my family members. The Philippines is known to belong to the ring of fire or earthquake and volcano belt that when triggered in one country the rest will get to experience it on a later time. There has been frequent earthquakes in China and Japan and the Philippines very close to these countries would definitely sometime have to experience the same.

The reputation of the Philippine government to address disasters and calamities is very poor. That is why among NGOs, "Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation" is one big issue that is is now being addressed. Training and capacity building are being done to help communities to address these kind of situations. Which most of the time it is the poor that suffered a great deal and gets affected so badly. They don't have skills, money, access and facilities to address these calamities. It is them who are very prone and directly exposed to these disasters like informal settlers who live by the riverbanks or their houses on stilts and under bridges. When there's typhoon and flooding they are the usual victims.

I heard though that the City Government of Marikina have been serving information to its people about disaster preparedness. I hope those flyers they have been giving out are read and understood by the people.

So what to do, for the faithful - prayer and meditation will be helpful. For the non-faithful well this should have a strong resolve to deal with such a calamity should it occur.

KONTRA, KONTRAHIN ANG LINDOL! - I hope blogging it and discussing it - it will be dispelled, also let us think positively and invoke for it no eatrthquake to happen.

What other measures to do: stay away from tall buildings. Be ready with first aid kit and other survival skills. This site below is a wealth of information: Source: Los Angeles Fire Department Emergency Preparedness (lafd.org/eqbook.pdf)

(Although the information is very American still most of them are very relevant for Filipinos to make use of.)


When you feel an earthquake, duck under a desk or sturdy table. Stay away from windows, bookcases, file cabinets, heavy mirrors, hanging plants, and other heavy objects that could fall. Watch out for falling plaster and ceiling tiles. Stay under cover until the shaking stops. Hold onto your cover. If it moves, move with it. Here are some additional tips for specific locations.

+ If you’re in a HIGH-RISE BUILDING, and you are not near a desk or table, move against an interior wall, and protect your head with your arms. Do not use the elevators. Do not be surprised if the alarm or sprinkler systems come on. Stay indoors, glass windows can dislodge during the quake and sail for hundreds of feet.

+ If you’re OUTDOORS, move to a clear area, away from trees, signs, buildings, or electrical wires and poles.

+ If you’re on a SIDEWALK NEAR BUILDINGS, duck into a doorway to protect yourself from falling bricks, glass, plaster, and other debris.

+ If you’re DRIVING, pull over to the side of the road and stop. Avoid overpasses, power lines, and other hazards. Stay inside the vehicle until the shaking is over.

+ If you’re in a CROWDED STORE OR OTHER PUBLIC PLACE, do not rush for exits. Move away from display shelves containing objects that could fall.

+ If you’re in a WHEELCHAIR, stay in it. Move to cover, if possible, lock your wheels, and protect your head with your arms.

+ If you’re in the KITCHEN, move away from the refrigerator, stove, and overhead cupboards.
(Take time NOW to anchor appliances and install security latches on cupboard doors to reduce hazards.)

+ If you’re in a STADIUM OR THEATER, stay in your seat and protect your head with your arms. Do not try to leave until the shaking is over. Then leave in a calm, orderly manner. Avoid rushing toward exits.



Be prepared for aftershocks, and plan where you will take cover when they occur.
o Check for injuries. Give first aid as necessary.
o Remain calm and reassure others.
o Avoid broken glass.
o Check for fire. Take appropriate actions and precautions.
o Check gas, water and electric lines. If damaged, shut off service. If gas is leaking, don’t use matches, flashlights, appliances or electric switches. Open windows, leave building and report to gas company.
o Replace all telephone receivers and use for emergency calls only.
o Tune to the emergency broadcast station on radio or television. Listen for emergency bulletins.
o Stay out of damaged buildings.


o Create a Family Earthquake Plan.
o Know the safe spot in each room. Under sturdy tables, desks, or against inside walls. o Know the danger spots. Windows, mirrors, hanging objects, fireplaces, and tall furniture.
o Conduct practice drills.
o Physically place yourself and your children in safe locations.
o Learn first aid and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) from your local Red Cross or other community organization.
o Decide where your family will reunite if separated.
o Keep a list of emergency phone numbers.
o Choose a friend or relative whom family members can call after the quake to report your condition. (edited and revised)


o Learn how to shut off gas, water, and electricity in case the lines are damaged.
o Check chimneys, roofs and wall foundations for stability.
o Secure water heater and appliances that could move enough to rupture utility lines. o Keep breakable and heavy objects on lower shelves.
o Put latches on cabinet doors to keep them closed during shaking.
o Keep flammable or hazardous liquids such as paints, pest sprays or cleaning products in cabinets or secured on lower shelves.
o Maintain emergency food, water, medicine, first aid kit, tools and clothing.


o Suggest that local organizations of which you are a member undertake a specific preparedness program or acquire special training to be of assistance in the event of a damaging earthquake.
o Participate in neighborhood earthquake preparedness programs.
o Attend training for neighborhood residents in preparedness, first aid, fire suppression, damage assessment and search & rescue.
o Develop self-help networks between families and your neighborhood through a skills and resources bank which includes a listing of tools, equipment, materials and neighborhood members who have special skills and resources to share.
o Identify neighbors who have special needs or will require special assistance.
o Have your neighborhood develop a secret signal to notify friends if everyone and everything is OK. Don't use obvious signals. This could identify vacant houses to criminals.


(Buy only currently dated stock, and rotate your supply. {revised})
o Antibiotic ointment
o Necessary medications (prescriptions, etc.) Don’t forget pediatric medications for the children.
o Aspirin and/or pain relief medication
o Diarrhea medication
o Eye drops
o Cold/cough medicine
o Antihistamines (Benadryl)
o Insect spray
o Ear and nose drops
o Hydrogen peroxide
o Skin disinfectant spray
o NOTE: Prescription medications are expensive and you don't want them to go bad in storage. Simply acquire one additional bottle of medication and store it in a cool dark place. Then use this bottle next when you run out. A newly purchased bottle will then go back into your emergency storage


o Band-Aids, large and small
o Medical latex gloves
o Surgical mask
o Instant cold and heat packs
o Ace bandages
o Butterfly bandages
o Gauze pads, 4" x 4"
o Cotton swabs
o Adhesive tape 2"
o 2" & 4" wide sterile bandage rolls
o Triangular bandage for sling, etc. Use 48" unbleached muslin. Cut a 48" square then cut it diagonally to make two triangular bandages.
o Tongue depressors (popsicle sticks)
o Splint material
o Spray bottle with 10% bleach solution for disinfecting objects.


o Work gloves
o Ax / maul (min. 6 lb.)
o Shovel (flathead and pointed)
o Broom
o Hammer and nails
o Screwdrivers
o Crowbar or claw tool (36"or longer)
o Plastic sheeting rolls (4 mil. 10' x 25')
o Plastic garbage bags (heavy-duty, 30-gal. or larger)
o Small and large plastic bags
o Coils of rope 1/4", 1/2", 3/4" x 25' or 50'
o Coil of wire
o Tent (family or tube-type)
o Tarp (P.V.C. or canvas, min. 2 ea., 8' x 10')
o Sleeping bags, blanket, or space blanket
o Cheesecloth (to strain particles from water
o CASH MONEY (small denominations & coins)
o Dry food
o Water
o Clothing
o Walking shoes and socks
o Local road map
o Fire extinguisher (We recommend a dry chemical type with a minimum size rating of A-10BC, with an earthquake restraining strap, a hose-type nozzle, and a metal head.)
o Compass
o Flashlight w/extra batteries, or chemical light sticks
o Matches, in waterproof container
o Small radio w/extra batteries (battery-powered portable)

o Entertainment Pack - Family photos, notebooks, literature, and games before you treat it)


Mr. Rahon,

Thank you for sharing Earthquake Preparedness information from the Los Angeles Fire Department.

Respectfully Yours in Safety and Service,

Brian Humphrey
Public Service Officer
Los Angeles Fire Department
dear sir,

Sorry I was rushing so I did not have time to ask for permission. But I was meaning to inform you about it but as you can see I cited your link and organization.

Thank you for your comments.

good wishes,
Pete Rahon
Neri said…
hay naku, sana hindi naman magkatotoo. pero salamat po sa paalala. iba-blog ko rin po ito para mas marami ang makaalam at makapaghanda kami rito. anlapit na pa naman ng date. alam na po kaya ng phil. gov't to? di naman kasi nababalita :(
Anonymous said…
If there is no great earthquake on the 18th... and my own sensibilities tell me this... PLEASE, go jump off a building to save this world from doom-sayers... wasting webspace and text bandwidth... ugh!
Anonymous said…
how old are you? 25? 35? and you still believe in earthquake predictions? i'll bet you also believe in mermaids and fairy godmothers. get a life!
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